After the development period, computers are now used to complete the task with a variety of methods. In this post I will explain about the history of computers and computer development from the first generation until the next generation of computers .

 Computers were first discovered by the concept that a computer is a machine that can count given a command or programmed through a method, so that the computer can perform the same command over and over again. Development late, the computer becomes a tool for the count with a counting program that can be reprogrammed to perform another job counting.

 Then how the development of computers from the beginning until the present? Computer experts believe that the development of computer can be divided into five generations , it is …

1 . First Generation

  First Generation Of Computer And Development Timeline
 The first generation of computers is the simplest programs of computer. Computers on the first generation still refers to the original concept that computers. Although the first generation has been able to be programmed and reprogrammed but still simple program that is given to be able to complete complex calculations.

the first generation of Computers have the following characteristics :

• A programming language is used a machine language ( assembler ).
• The size of computer is very large.
• Quick heat calculation process is very slow electric power
• Requires a very large electric power
The first generation lasted from 1946 to 1959.

2 . Second Generation

 Second Generation Of Computer And Development Timeline

 The second generation of computers is a very significant development in the field of computers. If the first generation of a computer is able to take place up to one room, but on the second generation of computers until the computer is smaller for the wardrobe.

In this second generation tubes used existing first generation, has now been replaced by transistors. With the use of this transistor power consumption on the wane, and the computer work faster.

3 . Third generation 

 Third Generation Of Computer And Development Timeline

 In the third generation, more advanced computer programming language. Transistors on the second generation has been replaced with Integrated Circuit ( IC ). IC type used is still limited to Small Scale Integrated Circuit ( SSIC ) and Medium Scale Integrated Circuit ( MSIC ). What is different is the introduction of third-generation memory derived from the semiconductor material so that it can do more work faster. In the third generation also introduced features Direct Memory Access ( DMA ) which allows programs running in memory and do not overload the processor.

4 . Fourth Generation

 Fourth Generation Of Computer And Development Timeline

 In the Fourth Generation, Form computers are becoming more similar to the Personal Computer ( PC ) that we know today. IC has reached the level of Large Scale Integrated Circuit ( LSIC ) and the programming language used is also higher ( more similar to human language ). Significant changes that occurred in the fourth generation is already adopted the form book microprocessor system as we currently owned PCs. And also has begun the introduction of Operating System ( OS ), and the present is the first OS Disk Operating System ( DOS ). Used DOS because it must be through the use of the OS Disk.

5 . Fifth generation

 Fifth Generation Of Computer And Development Timeline
 Some people say that the fifth generation is the current generation, but some people also said in a statement that the fifth generation is the development of the User Interface DOS system does not use the cursor into OS User Interface using a cursor that is moved through a device known as a mouse. But personally I would have to agree on the first opinion because I think that the development of the User Interface ( UI ) is the only form of input growth, not the development of the computer system itself. So who is the fifth generation of computer you are using now.

6 . Sixth generation

 Sixth Generation Of Computer And Development Timeline

 Sixth generation is the generation of dreams. Where in this generation has computer is expected to have " artificial brain " or now called Artificial Intelligent ( AI ). With the development of computer AI is expected to " think " yourself to solve all the problems faced by humans.

 Knowing the history of computers , we can now know the definition of a computer over time, so that we even know how to work the computer and the purpose of computers manufacture.
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